A new event in 2023, the First Tee – Texas Cup is a 2-day 36-hole event where the First Tee chapters in Texas can send their best and brightest teenage participants to compete against one another in a high school tournament-style structure.

Each Texas chapter will send their best 5 players to play a 2-day 36 hole event, with the best team score and best individuals (both male and female) given the yearly trophy.
2023 Participating Chapters:
Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Tyler, Piney Woods

This tournament is hosted by a different chapter every year. 2024 will be held by San Antonio.

2023 Winners
2023 Mens Champion2023 Team Champion2023 Womens Champion
Daniel Ferguson
Greater Dallas
Total score: 138 (-6)
Greater Dallas
Total Score: 295-285 (+4)
Julia Vollmer
Greater San Antonio
Total score: 138 (-6)